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Bariatrics - Obesity Fact or Fiction

Mon, 29 Apr 2024 18:00:00 GMT → Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:00:00 GMT (d=1 hours, 0 seconds)

Dear Colleague,

We are delighted to invite you to our on-line Obesity talk. This event is hosted by KIMS Hospital , Sevenoaks Medical Centre and LycaHealth Orpington.

This event is an online event and will take place via Microsoft Teams.

The link to Microsoft Teams will be sent to you nearer the time of the event.

Our Speaker Mr Yasser Abdul Aal consultant General Surgeon

Available at:

KIMS Hospital

NHS Practices

Maidstone & Tunbridge NHS Trust Trust & Kings College NHS Trust

Professional Profile

Mr Yasser Abdul Aal has a broad experience in general surgery gained in the UK and overseas. He completed a training programme at Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt and in the UK in gastrointestinal surgery. He had an eighteen-month fellowship in Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant surgery at King’s College Hospital, London. He consolidated his general surgery experience by working at Croydon University and St George’s hospitals where he gained experience in bariatric surgery.

Mr Abdul Aal is currently the Clinical Lead for Upper GI and Bariatrics at Tunbridge Wells Hospital. He has published leading articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals. His other interests include medical education and management of critically ill surgical patients.

Professional membership: Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI), Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ALSGBI), European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES), Royal College of Surgeons of England (RSC Eng), Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI).

This online webinar is FREE to attend via Microsoft Teams, but you must register to receive the correct MS link.

Presentation will start at 7.00pm

Kind regards,

T racy Rowe

Primary Care Liaison Manager

K IMS Hospital ,Sevenoaks Medical Centre & LycaHealth Orpington

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