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Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:00:00 GMT → Fri, 19 Apr 2024 12:00:00 GMT (d=3 hours, 0 seconds)

"Our body bathes in and soaks up the embodied presence of the client; we catch fire from her; we breathe her in and metabolise her; our ground state reverberates to her rhythms, and our own rhythms shift to meet them." (Totton, Embodied Relating, 2015)

On this webinar we will study the complex and subtle skills of connecting to and utilising our embodiment as a relational resource. The starting place for working relationally, is being with our own experience in the moment. Working in this way requires us to develop a practice of moment to moment awareness of our multi-channelled experiences. Paying attention to our emotions, internal sensations, thoughts, dreams and fantasies as information about the unfolding process between us and our clients.

In therapy we have the double task of allowing ourselves to fall into the soup with our clients, to be immersed in the relational dynamics, and also to be able to witness, and have a meta position on what’s unfolding.

We will explore the power dynamics within the therapy room. How does any systemic oppression a client may experience emerge in the therapy relationship? How can we keep alive to our normative assumptions, and how they may impact our embodied relating?

This webinar is drawn from my work with and immersion in Nick Totton’s teaching; particularly his book Embodied Relating. My aim is to introduce theory in an open, accessible way, and to have a collaborative dialogue with the group about how to strengthen your embodied relating. Combining discussion and experiential exercises in small groups.

The group will be kept to a maximum of 14 people. There are a small number of concessionary places available at £35, please email me if you wish to book one.

To watch a video of Allison talking about Embodied Relating

This morning webinar would serve as a useful taster for my Playing with Fire training starting October 2024

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