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Epic D&D: Die Once More

Embark on a D&D quest like no other, where multiple tables of adventuring parties come together to create an unforgettable experience!

Long ago, twin mages made a sinister pact with an ancient evil. They were vanquished once before, but the world is starting to hum with an all too familiar air. Now is the time to band together and join the fight!

Join us Saturday, September 28th for Epic D&D: Die Once More at Meeple-a-thon KC, sponsored by Tipsy Bard KC! This fast and fun adventure has everything you love about Dungeons and Dragons: high-stakes combat, menacingly monologuing big bads, fascinating puzzles, and plenty of opportunities for hare-brained schemes sure to go wrong. This event is meant to be fun and wild - we are not here to powergame or recite rules, just lean in and enjoy the chaos!

Die Once More is a homebrew D&D 5e adventure for levels 1 through 16, encompassing multiple tables working together to complete a grand quest. Each table must contribute to the overall goal in order for all to succeed. It is important to note that THIS IS NOT an Adventurer's League (AL) official Epic. You are welcome to use your AL character for this event but do note that no XP will be given and any items gained cannot be used in future AL events. You may bring a character of your own within the Tier you sign up for or you can use a pre-generated character provided at check-in. These characters are available first come, first serve but there will be enough for everyone.

Reserving Your Seat:

Based on ticket reservations there will be a set number of Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3 tables Each table will be able to accommodate up to five players. Choose your ticket based on which Tier you'd like to play in. Tier 1 contains levels 1-5, Tier 2 contains levels 6-10, and Tier 3 contains levels 11-16. If you are a beginner, we recommend choosing Tier 1. If you aren't sure which Tier is best for you, Tier 2 is a good middle ground option. Tier 3 is only recommended for players who have a good amount of experience with 5e.

If you are signing-up with one or more other people and wish to stay together as a group, please make sure to note that when you reserve your seat.

Player check-in will begin at 1pm, with gameplay starting right at 2:00pm. Due to time constraints, players not checked in by 2:00pm will not be able to participate in the Event. The event will last 3.5 to 4 hours, ending at or before 6pm.

Tickets are FREE and only meant to reserve your seat at the event. There is no cost to participate in this event, however players will need a Meeple-a-thon convention badge in order to enter Hy-Vee Arena and play. Walk-in players without advance ticket reservations are welcome to play, with seating preference given to players who register in advance and have a ticket. Any player who has not claimed their ticketed seat by 1:50pm is subject to having their seat given to a walk-in player.

***You can buy your convention badge here. ***

Charity Rerolls:

Meeple-a-thon is a 501(c)(3) charity gaming convention that supports Kansas City’s at-risk community members. With that in mind, players are permitted to purchase rerolls during this event by donating $1 towards charity. Players are also able to donate $5 towards charity in order to add +5 to a roll. Further, a player may donate $20 to place their dice with the 20 facing up, and count it as a roll of a Natural 20. 100% of the proceeds from these donations will go directly to this year's charity, the Hillcrest Youth Housing Program.

Any player or spectator can purchase a reroll for any other player, so long as the d20 roll does not result in a negative experience, such as forcing a character to fail a saving throw, getting the character killed/rendered unconscious, and so on. Players can do this as many times as they desire on a player’s d20 roll.

Important Info:

  • Check-In begins at 1:00pm. At check-in you can choose a pre-generated character if you didn't bring your own. Then we will assign you a table.
  • Remember that you must have a Meeple-a-thon badge to get in. After reserving your seat, go here to get your badge!
  • This event is intended for ages 14+. Note that gameplay will likely involve violence, language, and elements of horror. Safety tools will also be used at every table to ensure player safety.
  • Everything needed to play will be provided including character sheets, dice, and pencils. That being said, you are welcome to bring your own dice, along with your own character. Please be sure to use the provided instructions found here when building your character.
  • Though most of the event will utilize theatre-of-the-mind, there will be some tabletop terrain used. Feel free to bring a miniature to represent your character if you wish. Otherwise, we will have options for you at check-in.
  • While D&D experience isn't necessary, it will certainly be helpful. If you haven't played before, please consider signing up for a Tier 1 table as those are meant for beginner players. Additionally, rules cheat sheets will be available.


Hyvee Arena

1800 Genessee St, Kansas City, MO 64102

Room TBD.

Community Guidelines:

Tipsy Bard KC (TBKC) will not tolerate any kind of harassment, bigotry, or hate speech from any of the participants. These offenses may lead to removal from the event. We firmly believe that all are welcome and urge togetherness within our community. Should you have any issues with any other participant we hope you will come to us about it—especially if concerns include us. We are determined to run a company free of harassment, bigotry, and judgment.

By attending this event, you are granting TBKC and Meeple-a-thon permission to use any and all photographed or recorded content for promotional materials on social media and website use.

**Please email us at [email protected] with any questions, concerns, or feedback. **

#United States Events #Missouri Events #Things to do in Kansas City, MO #Kansas City Games #Kansas City Hobbies Games #Gaming #Immersive #Cosplay #Gamenight #Kansascity #Dnd #Ttrpg #Roleplaying #Dungeons and dragons #Tabletop gaming #Hobbies #game-platform-any #game-system-any #Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e) #Any #All

General Admission

from Free + tax

Hyvee Arena

1800 Genessee Street, Kansas City, MO 64102

Tipsy Bard KC

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