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Generation volunteering - Interview Simulation (ITS-IRE11)

Tue, 07 May 2024 08:20:00 GMT → Tue, 07 May 2024 10:30:00 GMT (d=2 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds)

Generation UK & Ireland is currently running a bootcamp for 25 previously unemployed people, based in London, who are looking to kickstart their careers in IT support. You can read more about the programme here.

Soon the learners will be completing the bootcamp and heading out to their first job interviews - before they do that, they'll need to practice their interview technique.

That's where you come in! You will spend 2 hours running interview simulations with a range of learners. With each learner, you'll ask a set of 7 predefined questions, and afterwards you'll write up your feedback for the learner to work on with their mentor and course tutor.

To volunteer you must:

  • be friendly and approachable!
  • have professional experience of interviewing/hiring
  • be reliable - if you don't show up, Generation's learners lose out

Your commitment:

What happens from here?

After you sign up, we'll email you the training materials, and follow up with a zoom link and final details of the day.

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