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iSAQB WEB Training 22-25 Mai 2024 / Live-Online

Wed, 22 May 2024 07:00:00 GMT → Sat, 25 May 2024 15:00:00 GMT (d=3 days, 8 hours, 0 seconds)

iSAQB® WEB - Web-based Software Architecture Training

How do you design powerful and secure web-based systems?

We will explore this question in the iSAQB® WEB seminar. The web presence is essential for the growth of every company. And it is precisely for this reason that it is fundamental for software architects to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to develop secure, reliable and powerful web-based software architectures accordingly. The iSAQB® WEB training provides you with the necessary knowledge and the important skills to carry out this task.

Overview of the training course contents

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Representational State Transfer (ReST)
  • Security
  • Authentication and confidentiality
  • Backend architectures
  • Modern front-end architectures
  • Client-side performance and usability
  • Best Practices

Event features:

  • Online & on-site
  • Certified
  • Accredited
  • 98.8 % success rate
  • Free e-Book
  • and many more...

For more information, please visit the official tectrain training page:

#Online Events #Things To Do Online #Online Classes #Online Business Classes #Training #Software #Certification #Web #Isaqb #Liveonline #Software development #Business #Other

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